The stars and the moon will always need the darkness to be seen.
Self-healing is the process of your recovery from psychological disturbances or trauma, directed by yourself, often guided only by instinct.
Self-healing requires us to reflect on the past and learn from it for the future. By reflecting and having a deep desire to want to change, you can manifest permanent change.
This collection is the beginning of Black Raven Beads. In the past year, we have worked with enthusiasm to make this possible. I think it is important to contribute to the well-being of people. Self-confidence, discovering inner strength, love for yourself plus others and positive thinking are themes that have come into my life.
Self-healing is, therefore, the first theme. I hope it appeals to you.
I have a fantastic team around me with lots of ideas. Keep an eye out for our future collections.
Balancing the Light and the Dark
The stars and the moon will always need the darkness to be seen.
There is no light without dark.
No ebb without flood.
No fear without love.
No sorrow without joy.
Both are necessary and worth accepting. There is no if, just and. Good and evil. Mind and feeling. It gives you an inner balance and something beautiful to experience.

Cleanse Yourself
I remove all negative energy and only allow positive energy to enter.
Burning sage is a practice in cleansing and healing. You may want to burn sage to cleanse yourself or a space. Maybe a new apartment you want a fresh start in or a room in your house where something negative took place. Burning sage has roots in Native American traditions. The practice is known as the sacred smoke bowl blessing, which has been used for centuries. Dried herbs, especially white sage, are burned in a bowl, and the smoke spreads to help dispel negative energy and spirits and promote wisdom and healing.

Balance Yourself
Keep taking time for yourself until you are you again.
Himalaya salt is a great neutralizer to heal and balance your energy field. It is also used as cleansing salt and enhances the feeling of peace and calmness. Lavender flowers represent purity, silence, devotion, serenity, grace, and tranquillity. Lavender is used in aromatherapy. The fragrance from the oils of the lavender plant helps promote calm and wellness.

Heal Yourself
I am my own healer. It is my body, my health and my responsibility to make the right choise for myself.
Rosemary is a rich source of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds, which help boost the immune system and improve blood circulation. It assists the circulatory system and can ease indigestion.

Love Yourself
You, yourself, deserve your love and affection.Himalayan salt assists you in releasing that which no longer serves you. It cleanses your energy field by removing energetic debris that is dulling your light.