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Self Healing

Self-healing requires us to reflect on the past and learn from it for the future.


"Keep taking time for yourself until you are you again."


"The stars and the moon will always need the darkness to be seen."


Cryptex Charm

€ 90,08

Start your day with a positive mindset.


"I am my own healer. It is my body, my health and my responsibility to make the right choice for myself."


Hug Charm

€ 39,67

A hug is the truest form of giving and receiving.

Love Yourself

"You, yourself, deserve your love and affection"

Crafting a Charm Beads Bracelet with Black Raven Beads

Creating a charm bracelet with Black Raven Beads is a journey of self-expression and storytelling. Each bead, a miniature work of art, is emotion and memories. As you select and combine beads from our themed bead collections, you weave a narrative that is yours. Black Raven Beads offers beauty and a connection to your most precious memories.